Winter 2025
Registration Opens
Thursday, December 5th, 2024 @ 7 AM
Parent - Tot, PreCanSkate, CanSkate 1 and Adult skate.
Few spots remaining in our other CanSkate and StarSkate programs!
TO REGISTER - Log in to your account and go to REGISTRATION in the top banner
A Skate Canada fee will be added to all new skaters for the 2024/2025 season upon checkout.
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Welcome to the Parent/ Child Session!
(they appear as different programs on registration).
The Parent/ Child session is a dynamic learn-to-skate program that focuses on fun, participation and basic skill development. Based on Sport Canada’s long term athlete development (LTAD) principles, the Parent/ Child Session centres on physical literacy and the confidence to build fundamental skills needed to take part in any ice sport or to skate as a recreational activity.
Who is it for?
For beginners of all ages, who have never skated before or have not yet reached Stage 1 of the CanSkate program. The skaters need assistance balancing and getting up on their own. These skaters CANNOT skate across the with of the ice without assistance.
Who teaches it?
Besides having completed one Star 5 Test, have valid First Aid, a clear police screening, complete the Skate Canada Code of Ethics, complete Respect in Sport training and be at least 16 years of age; our professional coaches have also achieved the following (many coaches will have continued to pursue higher levels of coaching as well);
- Online CanSkate Pre- course
- 3 day course including; how to teach and how to deliver the CanSkate program
- Complete multi- sport training by the province including making ethical decisions, planning a practice, teaching and learning, coaching athletes with a disability
Finally, our CanSkate coaches have to complete mentorship hours with a certified coach, submit their coaching philosophy, goals and skater development philosophy for evaluation. They then submit two CanSkate lessons via video as well as a practice plan for assessment before becoming certified. Your skater is in good hands! You will also notice Program Assistants on our session. These are skaters in our club who are trained and volunteer their time to assist our younger skaters.
What can you expect?
On the Parent/ Child session you can expect coaches to provide a fun group warm up to begin the session. This will include stretching, balance and warm up of large muscles. Throughout the session the coach will engage you and your skater in group or independent activities to increase learning. Due to the restrictions of COVID, the coach will expect you to take the lead to assist your skater. Toys are used to distract your skater from simply focussing on the new skills which can be scary.
The coaches are trained in methodologies which will assist your skater to learn the quickest. Please follow their lead as they engage the group and also assist you to meet your child’s individual needs. Be sure to take this program at your child’s pace. We want to slowly build their confidence and have fun as they learn their new skills. Finally, bring your patience! The P/C session is hard work (for parents especially) but has so much reward.
What do you need to participate?
Parents/ Adults must register with Skate Canada and the same adult MUST be on the ice with the child each week unless you pay an additional fee to register another adult.
All you need are skates (figure skates or hockey skates), a CSA-approved hockey helmet, long pants, mittens, warm sweater or jacket. Dress in layers – it will get warm! Parents must also wear helmets if they are not a Stage 5 level including complete confidence to skate forward, backward, stop, turn. A coach may ask you to return with a helmet for liability purposes if they feel you do not meet Stage 5. The fear that children will trip over toe picks is just not true. Children learn to skate on whichever blade they are introduced to and can be switched to either blade at a later time.
Parent/ Child Session Skills
The P/C session will begin with Pre- CanSkate Skills and then progress into Stage 1 skills. Due to COVID, Skate Ontario Return to Play Protocols will permit you to leave the ice and watch proudly from the stands when your skater passes the standard of Stage 1.
What’s the next step?
Once your child achieves Stage 1, they will be requested to move into the CanSkate program. At that time, you may find that your child begins to develop an interest in figure skating, hockey, speed skating or ringette. The St. Thomas Skating Club is here to assist you in your child’s development no matter where their passion lies.
Email us your questions at