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Program runs from May 12 to June 23rd

Registration Opens

FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 2024 @ 7 AM 







A Skate Canada fee will be added to all skaters for the 2023/2024 season upon checkout who have not been registered during the 2023 Fall or 2024 Winter skating sessions. 


REGISTRATION FOR Parent/Child requires BOTH an ADULT and a CHILD to be registered in corresponding sessions in order to finalize registration.





What the club and coach expects from parents...


As parents, you have a certain responsibility to the Club and your skater.

Be your child's biggest fan. Stepping on the ice at any level can be scary. Whether it is learning to balance on their own, skating backwards, or jumping in the air- skating can be scary. Encourage your child to try their best and the best will come. 

Help to set goals: 
Work with your coach to help your child to set his/her goals in skating. Help him/her to be realistic about those goals, but also to make them challenging enough to make the sport fulfilling. Make sure the goals are your skater’s goals, not yours. Help to achieve these goals by setting targets, and recognize progress. Be willing to re-evaluate when necessary.

Learn about the sport:
Learn enough about skating and programming through our Parent Education program emails, attend a parent meeting, inquire with a coach, send the board an email, talk to more experienced parents about their journey.  

Respect our Members:

Each member of our club is a valued member of the STSC family: parents, skaters, coaches, on and off ice volunteers, board members and arena staff make up our family. Please be respectful of each others needs, times, goals and intentions. 

Support your Coach:

Our professional coaches are trained and experienced skaters. They must facilitate programs in alignment with Skate Canada Program Standards. Their goal is to see your child succeed in their own way. If you have a private coach; pay your bills upon receipt.  Have your skater at the rink on time. When you can’t be there, make sure to tell the coach in advance.  Listen to your coach’s advice and instructions, and help to ensure that your skater follows those instructions when practicing or doing activities.  Let the coach have the freedom to design a program to achieve goals; don’t try to second-guess the approach, rather, responsibly watch to make sure that the general goals are being addressed over the long term.


All children should be supervised by parents, or other family member.  The STSC does not provide childcare services nor does the management of the facilities where SCSC activities take place.Please stay and watch your skater practice and in lessons. Your skater will appreciate your support. Emergencies do happen and we appreciate your presence in this event.